Turabian citation style can be used with any college subject. Arrange each item alphabetically by author's name. In case no author is given, start with the title and then the date.
Citing a book in Turabian bibliography
Author last name, first name, and Last2 First2. (Year). Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher.
Citing a journal article in Turabian citation style
Last name, first name. Year. Title of the article. Title of periodical volume (Month): page-page.
Citing a web-site in Turabian citation style
Last name, first name. Year. Title of article [online]. Name of website; available from http://www.website.info/directory/page.ext; Internet; accessed Month day, Year.
Sample Turabian citation style
Priestley, Sean and Neely, Adaline. 2008. Turabian Bibliography Sample. [online]. New Wave Essays custom essay writing service; available from http://newavessays.com/tutorials/bibliography-formats/turabian/; Internet; accessed September 13, 2008.