May 05, 2009

Sales letters writing mistakes

Sales letters are an effective marketing tool, and the ability to write sales letters effectively can have a dramatic influence on the degree of response and the ultimate profit. However, there are several general mistakes and dangers sales letter writers often make. In this article we will focus on the legal dangers; remembering these simple rules will help you avoid problems with the law. So here are the …

Frequent sales letters mistakes


Providing false information about the product (or service) price, performance, or quality are examples of fraud. False testimonies from people misrepresented as specialists in the field is also considered fraud. To be more precise, any statement in a sales letter is considered fraud if the recipient can prove that:

  • it was made regarding a fact, rather than an opinion
  • he or she was demanded by it
  • he or she relied on it and was justified in doing so
  • the statement was made with the attempt to deceive

Thousands of fraudulent sales letters hurtle around the United States every year. They range from self-improvement and get-rich-quick to charity appeals and business opportunities. Do not join trash, and only write true facts in your sales letters.


Remember that in many states, sales letters are considered legal contracts. In these states, any promise made in a sales letter must be fulfilled regardless of whether the recipient responded or not. Therefore, avoid making any promises or even implications about promises when writing sales letters.


Avoid using someone’s private data in sales letters, including photos, names, and any personal background data might be considered invasion of privacy. Putting someone's photo in sales letters is a mistake, unless the person is a model or permitted placing the picture. You can't use anything you want in a sales letter; putting a photo or mentioning someone’s background (e.g. confinement, drunk driving, drug use) might also be considered invasion of privacy. Thus, be neutral; write or use information about others with care and vigilance to avoid lawsuit.

To sum up, know the laws of your area, and avoid these frequent dangers and mistakes in writing sales letters. Any of these mistakes could result in a problem with the law. Always be ethical when writing your sales letters. Ethics, care, candor, and quality product or idea are those things that would make your sales letter effective!